My Love Affair With CJ Cron Continues Tonight At The All Star Game

Denis Poroy. Getty Images.

All year I have been touting CJ Cron as one of the most unappreciated players in the league. He's had a great first half (103 hits, 21 HR, 69 RBI, while hitting .298) ranking in the Top 10 in National League hits, and Top 5 in HR and RBI. 

There's also rumors with Colorado being a sinking ship, The Mets have targeted Cron as a possible trade candidate at the deadline. I would LOVE to see Cron in the Orange and Blue come August, he's a big bat that could be the catalyst that puts them over the top. 

The All Star game is a great opportunity to showcase how great you are on a huge stage, and I think Cron could be the guy that steals the spotlight tonight. Again, I'm biased - but at +7000 for MVP in a game with a 7.5 total , you may just need one big swing of the bat - something Cron does as well as anyone. I say he's worth a stab. 

The Hot Ice crew (myself, Ev and Carl) dive into MVP picks, last night's HR Derby , and our picks for the All Star Game on today's show. Check us out every Tuesday and Thursday 11:30 am EST on The Barstool Sportsbook Youtube page.

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